Want to avoid nursing home costs of $7000 per month? Learn about the proper papers to file. Alice Salvo is a Medi-Cal planning and Medi-Cal qualification expert that can help - free consultation 818-887-3333. Have an elderly loved one experiencing memory loss? Don't let them make bad financial decisions. Protect them with the many benefits of a conservatorship.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Family Saves $35,000 and Keeps Their House!
A husband and wife (whom we can refer to as Jack and Jill so as to be confidential) sought legal advice. Tim's mother Sally was suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. Jack and Jill were concerned they could lose their home due to gifts Sally made to Tim's brothers and sisters over the last couple of years. The gifts were implemented by Jack and Jill through Sally's Durable Power of Attorney. Sally had exactly $62,000 to her name and Jack assumed he would have to spend it all on her nursing care until it was gone. After consulting with attorney Alice Salvo, it was discovered through proper legal documents and procedures they need not worry about losing their house and they were also able to save $35,000 of the mothers money. Jack and Jill were elated from this incredibly good news. With an accomplished Medi-Cal qualification California attorney who thoroughly understands Medi-Cal eligibility and planning a family can really benefit!